I’m Reyna!

I’m a Product Designer living and creating in the Bay Area! As a former visual designer, I love finding the perfect intersection of beautiful visuals and intuitive usability.

My Background

Growing up, I was a shy, introverted child who found joy and comfort when drawing, whether it was on napkins at restaurants or on my magnetic drawing board. As I studied art, I fell in love with how it empowered overlooked individuals like myself to be seen. 

I continued my artistic passions by pursuing Graphic Design and Illustration at San José State University. Since graduating, I’ve worked as a Visual Designer at an ad-tech company focused on helping small businesses. I loved applying my visual eye in this role while unknowingly discovering UX principles for the first time. In every project, I put myself in the client’s shoes and asked myself who their target audience was, what their product was, and how they created value. 

Over time, I became interested in improving the internal products and processes my team used daily. That’s when I officially heard about UX Design! I began researching the industry and was ecstatic to find a career that combined my affinity for design, storytelling, and empathy. I decided to pivot towards UX at my company and learned how user research correlates to designing great experiences.

Other things I enjoy

When I’m not designing, I enjoy traveling, trying new restaurants and boba tea shops, caring for my houseplants, taking dance classes, and watching animated films—I love Studio Ghibli and Pixar Studios!

More recently, I’ve enjoyed rock climbing, roller skating, and immersing myself in the Marvel universe!